Friday, December 14, 2012

Cade o seu cinto? Moda Masculina

Bom, vamos conversar hoje sobre cintos, eu nao sei aonde eles foram parar porque eu nao vejo mais os homens usando cintos, tanto aqui no USA como no Brasil. Coco Chanel tinha sua opiniao sobre isso, nos homens, cintos representa mais a formalidade, em couro e cor preta eh o mais formal, marron nao tanto, e de tecido ou trisee mais casual.

Quanto mais casual o cinto, mais a fivela pode ser expressiva, que o nivel de qualidade seja o melhor nesse acessorio, eu usualmente falo para meus clientes de ambos os sexos, que um cinto eh um investimento, quanto melhor ele for, mais voce ira usa-lo e mais vai durar.

Garotos!!!! meus lindos... nao vao esquecer de usar cintos, eh um toque de elegancia, mesmo os mais esportes, vamos dar um toque de classe, se quiserem mandar fotos ficam avontade que eu colocaria aqui para todos os leitores verem.

Seja Moda Elegante by Simone Vianna.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I just came from this awesome restaurant, a fusion of Vietnamese and Thai food, it was so different from all the fusion ones that I have ever been, they were playing tango,  took me back to Argentina, so romantic with an ambiance lighting, walls well painted, great customer service, a very good place for couples to have dinner. What really got me impressed was the egg roll, I have never had an egg roll like those, not greasy at all, super fresh. I asked the owners Tan Le and Cindy Pham and they told me that they are very concerned about health, that their level of clientelle understand about quality, Cindy said that she has passion as she cooks and Tan wants to build the best business with a lots of repeat clients.  In a place like this you can use all your senses,let me tell you my local readers, it is a must place to go and to those from far away, try to find a place where you can enjoy eating like this, with good music, healthy food, and great style.

Dreaming about those egg rolls? me too.

Be Moda Elegante by Simone Vianna

P.S. pictures to come soon.

Horowitz+ DVF = BOOMING!!!

Most of you that understands Tommy Hilfiger's success, knows that Joel Horowitz was "the one" behind it, now he has Joined Diane von Furstenberg as a cochairman. Uhuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!. His intention is to take a stake in the company, and he is going to help professionalize DVF. Both JH and DVF will be jointly oversee but Paula Sutter is still going to remain the president and manage the day to day business and report to both of them.

Horowitz has 35 years of experience in the apparel industry, he was with Tommy Hilfiger's for 19 years. The only reason that Horowitz has joined DVF is that he can be actively involved in the company, he sees a lots of potential and it is super excited to be part of the growth of this company.

Diane von Furstenberg is happy that they are in 70 countries, half-billion dollars in retail sales, eight freestanding stores and more to come.

Everybody knows how much I love those dresses, not much for the prints and fabrics but for what it does to a women's body, no matter their body shape, color, race, etc...
Let's not forget the Home Collection bedding that it is amazing.

I am looking forward to what is yet to come, great partnership means greater things happening.

Stay tuned... pictures to come soon...

Be Moda Elegante by Simone Vianna

Monday, December 10, 2012

Moda Elegante lancamento do blog em Portugues

Meu nome e Simone Vianna, sou nascida de Bauru- Sao Paulo- Brasil, resido na California por mais de 18 anos, sou Designer de Interiores por 12 anos e Estilista de Moda por 3 anos, estarei escrevendo sobre moda, beleza, saude, casa, e tudo mais que voces, leitores estao interessados em saber sobre os assuntos, nao estarei traduzindo meus blogs em ingles em portugues, mas falando as vezes de temas diferentes, para nao ser repetitivos.

Por que Moda Elegante?

Queria um nome europeu, pensei, pensei, pensei, ate que semana passada, cheguei a esta conclusao, com um nome italiano, Moda significa estilo, e Elegante significa distincao nas formas, nas maneiras, nos trajes.

Estou feliz de compartilhar com voces essa nova jornada, gostaria de pedir desculpas do meu portugues, mas vou tentar me expressar o maximo que puder.

Encontro com voces por aqui,

Obrigada pelo seu tempo comigo. Que voces possam  participar de Moda Elegante.

Simone Vianna

Welcome to Moda Elegante by Simone Vianna

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Simone Vianna, I was born in Bauru- Sao Paulo- Brazil, have been living in California for the past 18 years, have been an Interior Designer for 12 years, and a Wardrobe Stylist for 3 years, I finally had a chance to open this blog so I can share with you about Fashion, Interior Design, Beauty, Health, Finance and everything else that you, readers would like to know about what happens in my life as a professional, always ready to help my customers and give the best customer service as possible.

Why Moda Elegante?

I wanted to have an European name for my blog, since I have that in my blood but was not sure on what to call until last week that this italian name finally came into place. Moda means fashion, in style, and Elegante means tastefull in dress, design, or style.

It is going to be a fun jorney, so feel free to be as involved as you want.

Thank you for your time.

Have a great time, be alive, be Moda Elegante.

Simone Vianna